Wednesday, January 21, 2009

World of Goo-dness

World of Goo is an amazing experience.

  • It's an absolute work of art
  • It features insidious level design
  • It has an amazing soundtrack
  • It's freaking genius

  • The game was released on Wii as the first really high-profile download on the WiiWare service. According to gamerankings, it has received an aggregate score of 94% from top reviewers, making it the third highest scoring game on the console. I can't say enough about how amazing it is, though for full disclosure I must admit that I haven't beaten it fully yet. I stopped with about two levels to go. No time like the present I suppose.

    I bring up World of Goo because this week has seen several news stories about the game. Peter Moore, Prez of EA Sports, spoke about World of Goo on his blog on Sunday and seems to have come away from the game, a demo of it at least, impressed (thanks to Wiiware-world for the tip):

    There's a lot to learn from the EA alumni who started 2D Boy and built something as creative and unique as World of Goo, with such a small team and little money. It's that type of creativity and entrepreneurial spirit that can really drive innovation, and I'd like to think we're setting the right priorities and taking the right steps to deliver more experiences in this vein from EA SPORTS. "

    Let's hope so, EA Sports has gotten better about improving their games year-in and year-out but the Wii certainly needs some love. Outside of Madden and Tiger, most of the Wii/EA Sports titles have been abysmal.

    Secondly, Kyle Gabler, one of the two programmers responsible for World of Goo and the man behind the soundtrack, felt it was time to unleash his musical opus onto the world. I thought the soundtrack was amazing as I played the game; further listening proves I was correct. It's free, so download the whole thing if you please, I've included a small sample below. If you really want to show your support, download the game for your Wii or for PC/Mac, available right here from Gabe and Tycho's awesome Greenhouse Games service. The Wii version will run you $15 and the PC version is a few dollars more at $20, though I can't see that there's any difference, other than perhaps the ability to mod/expand the game with user-created content.

    Kyle Gabler - Years of Work

    Get the World of Goo Soundtrack

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